Pushing the Needle Forward
The biggest lesson I’ve learned in my life is to be authentic, not fill the void with a sense of false self-worth. Not to say, “Look at me. I do good things. See I’m great at what I do! Right? Tell me how wonderful I am, please.”
Instead, I say: “I’m enjoying this journey, right now. I’m putting my heart and soul into this. I take the initiative. I care.”
As Seth Godin says, “Initiative is scarce.”
Overachievers place so much stress on themselves. I know, I am one. I continue to work on it.
There are times when I forget, and then I have to remind myself to be present, mindful of what’s going on, and not let the worry of pleasing others consume the happiness in me.
Instead, acknowledge that drive and use it as motivation to keep pushing the needle forward. One step at a time.