I Don’t Feel Like It!
In The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy, he tells the story of his disciplined dad who was a coach. There were no excuses at home. What struck a chord with me in particular was the following:
“We weren’t ever allowed to stay home from school sick, unless we were actually puking, bleeding, or “showing bone”.
Many times on the treadmill, when my muscles are screaming at me, I have to remember to push it further. Am I “showing bone?” No. Then go. Faster. And tack on an extra 15-30 seconds past what I think I can do per interval jog.
“I don’t feel like it” is one of the worst excuses ever.
Previously, I used it all the time: throughout school and early adulthood. Finally I realized that this was a weakness. I set out to correct it. Due to the nature of life being a series of choices. It took keeping this at the forefront of my mind to consciously keep working on it. Habitually.
Any disciplined person knows, you never feel like it. The doing or starting of the task that you do not want to do will create momentum to finish. Just jump into it.