Shortcut to Your Tribe
Your tribe, that group of people that you connect with, is important for growth. Push each other forward.
One of the best ways to grow is to read what others in your tribe have read as well. Find an author that really resonates with you, read everything they have written, and then read everything they have read.
In the same way that word of mouth spreads exponentially, your reading list will grow by leaps and bounds.
Thanks to the wonderful age that we live in, there is a tool to help you seek out and visually map out a web of connections: Yasiv. (archive)
Simply type in your favorite book and press “Go”. Boom. As an example, I searched for Do the Work by Steven Pressfield and got 86 results! The amazing thing is I have either purchased, wish listed, or read over 23 of the results. Beyond that, it found books that I’ve never been exposed to that really fit what I want to read.
Yasiv Screenshot