Minimal Journaling

Lists are great. They can be used for a wide variety of purposes. This year, I decided to create a list of notable experiences that have occurred.

Have been keeping track since February. I only write what is new or noteworthy to me. Often we get so busy with life we forget that the little things add up.

Examples for 2012

  • Made ketchup from scratch 3/4
  • Saw a prescreening of Sherlock Holmes ( for free! ) 3/10
  • Visited Baltimore Aquarium ( for free! ) 3/22
  • Flew first class for the first time and went to Delta Sky Club 4/8
  • Saw prescreening of The Avengers ( for free! ) 4/25

When feeling down or like not enough has been achieved, load up your Minimal Journal and start reading. It will remind you of the good things.

May 13, 2012

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